
Amazon Web Services: Ztore-Building a Recommendation System on AWS

Project Description

Ztore是香港本地一間提供方便送貨服務的網上超級市場,售賣優質的糧油雜貨及生活用品。你可簡易地在網上隨時隨地購買心儀產品。在本集的 This is My Architecture,Ztore的Data Strategy Lead,Dennis Yung將會展示他們如何在AWS打造他們的產品推薦系統,以及向客戶提供實時的產品推薦。

Ztore is an online supermarket with a convenient delivery service, selling quality groceries and home essentials. Dennis Yung, Data Strategy Lead from Ztore shares how they built and run their recommendation system on AWS, providing personalized product suggestions to their customers.

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